Understanding C# Queue Class With Examples

C# Queue is a linear data structure that follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle. In other words, the first element added to the queue will be the first one to be removed. This makes queues useful for storing data that needs to be processed in a specific order. The queue is the opposite of the Stack<T> collection.

In C#, the Queue class is a generic collection that implements the IEnumerable interface and provides a variety of methods for adding, accessing, and removing elements in the queue.

C# Queue


C# Collections – Understanding collections in C# with [Examples]

Collections in C#
C# Collections types

Collections in C#

A collection in C# is a class that represents a group of objects. Collections can be used to perform various operations on objects, such as storing, updating, deleting, retrieving, searching, and sorting.

Collections are defined in the System.Collections namespace. They are a predefined set of classes for storing multiple items in a single unit.