C# Interface – Understanding Interfaces in C# (With Examples)

C# is a popular object-oriented programming language used to develop different types of software applications. One of the key features of C# is the interface, which allows developers to define a contract for a class without specifying any implementation details.

This article will discuss the syntax, advantages, and implementation of C# interfaces, along with practical code examples.

CSharp Interface
C# Interface


C# Collections – Understanding collections in C# with [Examples]

Collections in C#
C# Collections types

Collections in C#

A collection in C# is a class that represents a group of objects. Collections can be used to perform various operations on objects, such as storing, updating, deleting, retrieving, searching, and sorting.

Collections are defined in the System.Collections namespace. They are a predefined set of classes for storing multiple items in a single unit.


C# Struct vs Class |Top 15+ Differences Between Struct and Class

Difference Between Struct and Class in C#:

One key difference between structs and classes is that Structs are value types, whereas classes are reference types.

In the case of structs, they are copied by value, meaning that a complete replica of the data is created when passed or assigned. On the other hand, classes are copied by reference, meaning that only a reference to the original data is passed around rather than a full duplication.

C# struct vs class
C# struct vs class


C# Access Modifiers: Everything You Need to Know (With Examples)

One of the fundamental features of C# is the use of access modifiers. These modifiers control the accessibility of classes, methods, and variables in your code.

In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at C# access modifiers, exploring their various types, their effects on code, and best practices for using them.

Access Modifiers in C#
C# Access Modifiers


OOPs Concepts in C# with Examples (2023)

Are you interested in learning about the fundamental concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in C#? If so, you’re in the right place! This article will provide a comprehensive introduction to OOPs concepts in C#.

This post will go through object-oriented programming in C# and the four basic OOPs concepts.

C# OOP four basic OOPs concepts
C# OOP four basic OOPs concepts