Understanding the C# Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) with Examples

In this article, we will learn about the C# Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), which states that a class should not forced to implement Interface methods they don’t use.

It promotes the creation of focused, smaller, and modular interfaces to prevent clients from implementing methods they don’t need. 

We will learn its significance and how it can be applied using C# code examples.

csharp interface segregation principle


Understanding Open Closed Principle (OCP) in C# With Examples

When we write code, it’s important to follow certain rules and principles to make our software easier to work with any update. One of these important SOLID principles is called the Open Closed Principle, or OCP in short.

open closed principle with examples 1
open closed principle in C#


Understanding the SOLID Principle: Single Responsibility Principle in C#

When software developers want to write organized, clean, maintainable, and scalable code for their projects, they use design principles. One of these principles is called SOLID, which contains five rules that help to improve software design and structure. 

In this article, we will focus on the first rule of SOLID principle, called the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) with examples.

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) in CSharp
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) in C#


Understanding the Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern in C#

Introduction: In software development, design patterns play an important role in creating reusable and maintainable code. One such pattern is the Chain of Responsibility design pattern, which promotes loose coupling and flexibility in handling requests.

In this article, we will explore the Chain of Responsibility design pattern in the context of C#, providing clear explanations and practical examples to help beginners grasp its concepts effectively.



C# Dependency Injection: Everything You Need to Know About Dependency Injection In C#

Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern that helps developers to build high-quality software.

It reduces tight coupling between software components and allows us to develop loosely-coupled code, which is easier to maintain and offers greater flexibility and testability.

The fundamental principle behind Dependency Injection is to minimize hard-coded dependencies among classes by dynamically injecting them during runtime instead of design time. 

This approach ensures that the dependencies of a class are provided from external sources, typically through constructor parameters or property setters, rather than being directly instantiated within the class itself.

C# Dependency Injection


Prototype Design Pattern: Everything You Need to Know

Introduction: Design patterns are reusable solutions to common problems in software design. One such pattern is the Prototype Design Pattern, which allows you to create new objects by cloning existing ones.

This article will explore the Prototype Design Pattern when to use it, real-world examples, advantages and disadvantages, UML diagram, and how to implement it with a complete code example in C#.

Prototype Design Pattern


Mastering Design Patterns in C#: Best Practices for High-Quality Code (2023)

Design Patterns are a set of reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They are not a finished design that we can transform directly into code but rather a guide for solving problems.

The goal of using Design Patterns is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of software development and provide a common vocabulary for developers to discuss design solutions.



Abstract Factory Design Pattern in C#: Real-World Example and Code Explanations

The Abstract Factory Design Pattern is a creational design pattern that provides a way to create families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. This blog post will explore the Abstract Factory Design Pattern in C#, using a real-world example and providing code explanations.



SOLID Design Principles in C#: A Complete Example

SOLID is a set of five design principles introduced by Robert C. Martin in 2000 to make code more maintainable, flexible, and scalable.

In this article, we will learn about five important SOLID principles and how they can be used with C# programming. We’ll also see practical examples to understand how to apply these principles in real-world situations.

SOLID Design Principles

SOLID is a widely recognized acronym that represents a set of five fundamental design principles in software development: the Single Responsibility PrincipleOpen-Closed PrincipleLiskov Substitution PrincipleInterface Segregation Principle, and Dependency Inversion Principle

SOLID Design Principles