C# Array vs List: When should you use an array or a List in C#?

C# Array VS List
C# Array VS List

Array VS List in C#

 Here are the main differences between arrays and lists in C#:

  • Fixed Size vs. Dynamic Size: Arrays have a fixed size that is defined when they are created, meaning you cannot easily change the size of an array once it has been initialized. Lists, however, can dynamically grow or shrink in size when elements are added or deleted.
  • Type Safety: Arrays in C# can hold elements of a single data type only, whereas lists can hold elements of different data types because they are a part of the generic collection classes.
  • Memory Allocation: Arrays are allocated in a contiguous block of memory, which can be more memory-efficient than lists, which may have to allocate additional memory when resizing. Lists use an underlying array that can be resized as needed.
  • Methods and Properties: Arrays have a fixed set of properties and methods available, such as Length for the number of elements in the array. Lists, being a part of the generic collection classes, have additional methods and properties that make it easier to work with collections of data.
  • Type Safety: Arrays in C# can hold elements of a single data type only, whereas lists can hold elements of different data types because they are a part of the generic collection classes.
  • Performance: In general, arrays can be faster for direct access to elements by index because they are stored in contiguous memory locations whereas adding or deleting elements from a List is faster. Usually, Lists may perform slightly slower due to their dynamic resizing capabilities.
  • Namespace: The C# List class is a part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace, whereas the Array class belongs to the System.Array namespace.

Code Example:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Program {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {

    // Initialize an array with a fixed size of 2 elements
    int[] array = new int[2];

    // Initialize a list with no elements
    List<int> list = new List<int>();

    // Display the initial length/count

    Console.WriteLine("Initial length of array: " + array.Length); 
    Console.WriteLine("Initial count of list: " + list.Count); 

    // Reassign the array with a new size of 5 elements
    array = new int[5];

    // Add elements to the list

    // Display the updated length/count
    Console.WriteLine("Updated length of array: " + array.Length); 
    Console.WriteLine("Updated count of list: " + list.Count); 


Initial length of array: 2
Initial count of list: 0
Updated length of array: 5
Updated count of list: 4

What is an Array?

Arrays: An array in C# is a fixed-size data structure that holds data of the same type. Once created, an array’s size cannot be changed.

Arrays are useful to use when you know the exact size of your collection in advance.

The Array class is available in the System.Array namespace.

You can access elements in an array using numeric indexes, starting from 0 (zero). The first item in the array is at index 0, the second is at index 1, and so on.

You can define an array by using square brackets “[]” and specifying the type of data it will hold (e.g., integers or strings) along with a name.

Creating an Array:

Let’s create an array of integers called intArray:

// Create an integer array called 'intArray' with a length of 5
int[] intArray = new int[5];

// Alternatively, you can initialize the array with specific values like this:

int[] intArray = new int[] {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};

// Now, 'intArray' contains the following values at different indexes:
// Index 0: 10
// Index 1: 20
// Index 2: 30
// Index 3: 40
// Index 4: 50
C# Array
C# Array

In this example, we created an array of integers called intArray with a capacity of 5 items. IntArray can hold five integers, and we can access each element using the indexes 0 to 4.

Accessing the elements of an Array:

You can create a string array with the following syntax:

using System;
namespace CSharpArrayExample
    public class CSharpArrayExample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declare an array
            string[] fruitsName = { "Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Grapes"};

            // Access the elements of an Array using index
            Console.WriteLine(fruitsName[0]); // Output: Apple

            // Access the elements using for loop
            for(int index = 0; index < fruitsName.Length; index ++)

        // Apple
        // Orange
        // Banana
        // Grapes

Array memory allocation:

array contiguous memory allocation

C# List

List: In C#, the List is a generic collection of strongly typed objects that can change its size dynamically when elements are added or removed. It is available in the System.Collection.Generic namespace.

Lists are appropriate when you need flexibility in the size of your collection.

You can access the List elements using index or loops. It enables you to perform different operations, such as sorting, searching, adding, and removing elements from the collection.

If you want to know more about the List class and how to use it in C#, you can check out my previous article, “C# List Class“.


The following is the syntax for declaring a generic List<T>. The parameter T in the List represents the type of item in the list, which can be int, long, string, or any user-defined object.

List<T> myList = new List<T>();

C# List<T> example:

The following is an example of a List in C#.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace CSharpListExample
    public class CSharpArrayExample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declare a generic List of string type
            List<string> fruitsName = new List<string>();
           // Add items in the List

            // Access the elements of a List using index
            Console.WriteLine(fruitsName[0]); // Output: Apple

            // Access the list elements using for loop
            for(int index = 0; index < fruitsName.Count; index ++)

        // Apple
        // Orange
        // Banana
        // Grapes

Differences between arrays and lists in C#


  • An array is a fixed-size collection that stores elements of the same data type in contiguous memory locations.
  • A list is a dynamic-size collection that can store elements of the same data type and automatically resizes itself as elements are added or removed.


  • An array is less flexible, as its size cannot be changed after creation. You need to create a new array with a different size if you want to change it.
  • The list is more flexible, as you can add or remove elements without worrying about the size.


  • Arrays generally perform better for fixed-size collections due to contiguous memory and direct indexing.
  • Lists might have a slight performance overhead due to dynamic resizing, but for most use cases, the difference is negligible.


  • Elements in an array can be directly initialized during declaration.
  • Elements in a list need to be added one by one, or you can initialize it with an existing collection.


  • Arrays are part of the C# language and don’t require any additional namespace.
  • Lists are part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace, so you need to import it.

Index Access: 

  • You can access elements in an array using index notation (e.g., array[index]).
  • Like arrays, you can access elements in a list using index notation (e.g., list[index]).

Element Types: 

  • Arrays can only hold elements of the same type (homogeneous).
  • Lists can also hold elements of the same type (homogeneous) but can also hold different types using generics.

When to Use:

  • Use Arrays when you know the exact size of the collection in advance and don’t need to change it frequently.
  • Use Lists when you want a flexible collection that can grow or shrink as needed or when you need additional methods for data manipulation.

C# list vs array performance

Arrays allocate a fixed-size block of memory when initialized, making them suitable for scenarios where the size of the collection is known in advance. Lists, on the other hand, dynamically allocate memory, allowing them to grow or shrink as needed. Let’s explore this through code:

Array Example:

int[] integerArray = new int[5]; // Allocates memory for 5 integers

List Example:

List<int> integerList = new List<int>(); // Dynamically allocates memory
  • Performance in Adding Elements:

Adding elements to a collection is a common operation, and the performance can vary between arrays and lists.

Array Example:

int[] integerArray = new int[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    integerArray[i] = i;

List Example:

List<int> integerList = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


Adding elements to a list is generally faster than resizing an array. Lists automatically handle resizing, resulting in better performance for dynamic collections.

  • Accessing Elements:

Accessing elements by index is a fundamental operation. Let’s compare the syntax and performance for arrays and lists.

Array Example:

int value = integerArray[2]; // Accessing element at index 2

List Example:

int value = integerList[2]; // Accessing element at index 2

Comparison: Array access is marginally faster since arrays have a contiguous block of memory, allowing for direct indexing. Lists, being dynamic, may involve additional checks.

  • Memory Overhead:

Lists have some memory overhead due to their dynamic nature and additional features. This can impact performance in scenarios where memory efficiency is important.

Array Memory Overhead: Arrays have minimal memory overhead, as they only store the elements and the necessary metadata.

List Memory Overhead: Lists carry additional metadata, such as capacity and count, leading to slightly higher memory overhead compared to arrays.


The decision of whether to use arrays or lists in C# largely depends on the needs of your application. If you require a collection of a fixed size with faster access times, then arrays are the way to go. In contrast, if you need to frequently resize the collection or perform efficient insertion and deletion operations, then lists offer a more flexible solution.

References: C# Array, C# List

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Q: What is the difference between an array and a list in C#?

In C#, an array is a fixed-size collection of elements of the same type, whereas a list is a dynamic collection that can grow or shrink in size. Arrays have a predetermined length, while lists can be modified by adding or removing elements.

Q: How do I declare and initialize an array in C#?

To declare an array in C#, you specify the type of elements it will hold, followed by square brackets ([]).
For example, to declare an array of integers named “myArray,” you can use the syntax: int[] myArray; To initialize the array with specific values, you can use the following syntax:

int[] myArray = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

Q: How do I declare and initialize a list in C#?

To declare and initialize a list in C#, you must include the System.Collections.Generic namespace. First, you declare a list by specifying the type of elements it will contain, followed by the name.

For example, to declare a list of strings named “myList,” you can use the syntax: List myList;
To initialize the List, you can use the following syntax:
List myList = new List {"Apple," "Banana," "Mango"};

Q: Can you change the size of an array after it is created?

No, the size of an array in C# is fixed once it is created. You cannot change the length of an array once it’s defined.

Q: Can I change the size of a list after it is created?

Yes, one of the main advantages of a list in C# is its dynamic nature. You can easily add or remove elements from a list using methods like Add, Remove, Insert, and Clear.

Q: When should I use an array?

Arrays are useful when you know the exact number of elements you need, and that number won’t change. They provide efficient random access to elements and can be useful for operations that require fixed-size collections.

Q: When should I use a list?

Lists are preferable when you need a collection that can grow or shrink dynamically. They are helpful when the number of elements is not known in advance or may change over time. Lists provide convenient methods for manipulating elements.

Q: Which one is faster, an array or a list?

Generally, arrays are slightly faster than lists because they have a fixed size and don’t require additional memory allocations. However, the performance difference is usually negligible unless you deal with a large collection of elements.

Q: Can I convert an array to a list and vice versa?

Yes, you can convert an array to a list using the ToList() method of the System.Linq namespace.
For example, List myList = myArray.ToList();
To convert a list to an array, you can use the ToArray() method. For example,
int[] myArray = myList.ToArray();

Q: Are there any other collection types in C#?

Yes, C# provides various collection types, such as dictionaries, queues, stacks, and more. These collections have different characteristics and are suitable for different scenarios. Choosing the appropriate collection type is essential based on your specific needs.

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Shekh Ali
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