C# Goto Statement – Understanding Goto in C# with Examples

The goto in C# is a jump statement that transfers the control to another part of the program.
In this article, we will learn in detail about the goto statement its advantages and disadvantages with code examples.

goto statement in csharp
C# goto statement

C# Goto Definition:

In C#, the goto statement is a jump statement used to transfer control to a labelled statement within the same method, switch statement, or loop.

However, the use of goto is generally discouraged in modern programming practices because it can make code harder to understand and maintain.

Here is a simple example of how goto can be used in C#:

using System;

class GotoExample
    static void Main()
        int counter = 0;

        // The label where the program can jump to

        Console.WriteLine($"Counter: {counter}");


        // Check if counter is less than 5
        if (counter < 5)
            // Jump to the 'start' label
            goto start;

        Console.WriteLine("End of program");


Counter: 0
Counter: 1
Counter: 2
Counter: 3
Counter: 4
End of program

Code Explanation:

In this example, the program uses a goto statement to jump back to the labelled statement “start” as long as the counter is less than 5. 

However, it’s important to note that in most cases, using structured control flow statements like for, while, and do-while is preferred over goto, as they lead to more readable and maintainable code.

We can use the goto statement in many different scenarios in C# programming such as:

  • Breaking out of nested loops
  • Jumping to error handling code
  • Creating infinite loops
  • Controlling the flow of complex logic

Example 1: Breaking out of nested loops using goto in C#:

In C#, We can use the goto statement to break out of nested loops. It can be especially useful when multiple nested loops are used, and the programmer wants to exit them simultaneously.

using System;
using System.IO;
namespace GotoExample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // loop through values of i from 0 to 4
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                // nested loop through values of j from 0 to 4
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    // output the values of i and j
                    Console.WriteLine("i: {0}, j: {1}", i, j);
                    // if j is equal to 2, jump to the label "end"
                    if (j == 2)
                        goto end;
            Console.WriteLine("Outside loops");


i: 0, j: 0
i: 0, j: 1
i: 0, j: 2
Outside loops

Example 2: Jumping to error handling code:

In C#, the goto statement can redirect the program flow to the error handling code in case an error occurs.

It could be helpful in scenarios where the error handling code is not located near the source of the error, and the programmer intends to make it easily accessible.

using System;
using System.IO;
namespace SystemIOExample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
                int x = int.Parse("abc");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.Message);
                goto end;
            Console.WriteLine("Outside try-catch block");
go to in c# example

Example 3: Creating infinite loops using goto in C#:

The goto in C# can be used to create infinite loops. It can be beneficial when the programmer wants to run a loop continuously until a specific condition is met.

 // Start label to repeat the process if the number entered is not greater than 10

            // Prompt user to enter a number greater than 10
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a number greater than 10:");

            // Read the user input and store it in the "number" variable
            int number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            // Check if the number entered is less than or equal to 10
            if (number <= 10)
                // If the number is not greater than 10, go back to the start label
                goto start;
                // If the number is greater than 10, print a message
                Console.WriteLine("Number is greater than 10");


goto in csharp example

Example 4: Using switch statement with goto in C#: 

We can also combine the goto statement with the switch statement in C#. This example demonstrates how we can implement a label within the switch statement to jump to a specific case.

Let’s take an example of a program that calculates the day of the week based on the number entered by the user.

using System;

namespace GotoExample4
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a number between 1 to 7:");
            int day = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            switch (day)
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                case 5:
                case 6:
                case 7:
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input");
                    goto end;
            Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using the program.");
            Console.WriteLine("Exiting the program.");


Enter a number between 1 to 7:
Thank you for using the program.
Exiting the program.

Pros and Cons of the C# Goto Statement:

Certainly! While the goto statement in C# can be used in certain situations, it comes with both advantages and disadvantages. Here are the pros and cons of using the goto statement in C#:


  1. Simplifying Control Flow:
    • goto can be useful in certain scenarios where it simplifies control flow, especially when dealing with nested loops or complex switch statements.
  2. Code Reusability:
    • In some cases, goto can be used to create reusable code blocks, as it allows you to jump to a specific labeled statement.
  3. Legacy Code Compatibility:
    • When working with legacy code or maintaining code written by others, you may encounter the use of goto. Understanding its usage can be necessary for handling such scenarios.


  1. Readability and Maintainability:
    • The primary disadvantage of using goto is that it can make code less readable and harder to maintain. It disrupts the natural flow of code execution, making it difficult for developers to follow the logic.
  2. Spaghetti Code:
    • Excessive use of goto can lead to “spaghetti code,” where the program’s structure becomes tangled and convoluted. This makes it challenging to understand, debug, and modify the code.
  3. Error-Prone:
    • Misuse of goto can introduce subtle bugs and errors, especially when jumping across different parts of the code. It can lead to unexpected behavior and make it challenging to identify the source of issues.
  4. Structured Alternatives:
    • Modern programming languages, including C#, provide structured control flow statements like if, for, while, and switch. These alternatives are generally preferred for their clarity and maintainability.
  5. Not Recommended by Best Practices:
    • The use of goto is discouraged by coding standards and best practices in many programming communities. Most modern programming languages provide features that make structured control flow more expressive and readable.


Q: What is the goto in C#?

The goto statement in C# is a control statement that allows a programmer to transfer the flow of execution to another statement in the same function.

Q: How does the goto statement work in C#?

The goto statement transfers the flow of execution to a labeled statement in the same function. The programmer defines the label, and it is used as a destination for the goto statement.

Q: What are the advantages of using the goto statement in C#?

The advantages of using the goto statement in C# include its simplicity, ability to simplify complex logic, and ability to save time by reducing the need for multiple conditional statements.

Q: What are the disadvantages of using the goto in C#?

The disadvantages of using the goto statement in C# include its potential to make the code more difficult to maintain and debug. It will lead to unexpected results if used correctly and make the code less readable and easier to understand.

Q: Can the goto statement be combined with other control statements in C#?

Yes, we can use the goto statement in combination with other control statements, such as the switch statement in C#.

Q: What is an example of using the goto statement in C#?

An example of using the goto in C# is to jump to the error handling code when an error occurs in the program, making the error handling code easily accessible. Another example is implementing a label within a switch statement to jump to a specific case.

References: MSDN-Jump-Statements

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Shekh Ali
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